Smoothie Bowl


Happy Monday all! I can’t believe it’s been a week since my last post- how time flies! Last Monday, I decided to get back into my routine of having smoothies for breakfast however after a chat with my friend G we both agreed that, as delicious as smoothies are, there is something so satisfying about physically eating breakfast. Naturally, the next day I was eating my smoothie out a bowl with a spoon and by Friday morning I was topping it with my Homemade Granola. So, a week on I can safely say that this recipe has been tried, tested and tried again and is truly the ultimate power-breakfast!


– 1 ripe banana

– 1/2 a cup of blueberries (I like to use defrosted frozen berries as they are cheaper and make it vibrantly purple! If you’re feeling adventurous, feel free to substitute blueberries for kale)

– 1/2 a cup of cold almond milk

– 2 tablespoon of greek yoghurt (or dairy free alternative if you can’t tolerate yoghurt!)

– 1 tablespoon of flax seeds

– 1 tablespoon of oats

– 1 tablespoon of peanut butter

– 2 medium dates



1. The night before, pit your dates and put them in a glass with the almond milk to soak overnight. This will make them easier to blend!

2. The next morning, combine all the ingredients and blend.

3. Pour into a bowl and top with granola.


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